Something I've been thinking a lot about lately is how to get more people in South Carolina to vote. South Carolina's got its share of poor and disadvantaged people -- in fact, Sumter County, which is where I'm from, is getting to be a very bad place to live and grow up, and that makes me so sad.
How can we get people to realize that if you don't vote, it ain't getting any better? The majority of people with money are going to vote people in who will let them keep the most of their money and not be "forced" to help anyone else. But the majority of people in this country DO need assistance of some kind, be it Social Security, healthcare, public schools for their kids -- and it's all being eroded away in favor of the almighty dollar. I don't want to live in a country where I have to pay tuition for my (future) child to receive even adequate schooling. To me, that's not a civilized society, that's one that cares too much about wealth-building and keeping the good stuff for the elite.
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