Tax Day was just last week. It wasn't Tax Day for me, since we had already filed and gotten back our federal return by the time April 15 rolled up. I spent a little time learning about My Federal Tax Dollars, so that I might be a better-informed citizen.
Here's what I discovered: 2 cents of every federal tax dollar I pay goes toward protecting nature and the environment. 4 cents goes toward education (unfunded mandates, anyone?). And currently, 29 CENTS goes toward the military, with another 9 cents following for military debt.
Um.... 38 cents toward the military, and 4 cents toward education. Somebody's head is on backwards up there in Washington -- actually, a lot of somebodies. And all these Americans screaming for their taxes to get lowered because they think they pay so damn much... you all SHOULD start screaming for our military spending to get reined in, because we can't cut another penny off education or nature, or that'll be it. It'll all be in the states' hands. (Good luck, Louisiana and Mississippi, because we here in South Carolina are gonna race you to the bottom!)
But oh, who really gives a rip about trees and kids? They can take care of themselves.