Thursday, July 28, 2005

What Baby Camden is up to
About eleven pounds. ba dum bum

She is three months old and her new interests include clutching dramatically at her clothing a la Fred Sanford, poking out her tongue so mom & dad can tickle it with a finger, and "talking" to us in little "hoo-hoo" monkey grunts with a surprised look that says, "Am *I* making that noise?"

She's also holding that head up very nicely, able to sit on a lap and take in a room with bug eyes, and adores "tummy time" (for you non-parents, that means lying on her stomach propped on her arms like the Sphinx, thereby strengthening her neck, arms, and back muscles and gaining some balance and movement control). She can't read yet, but otherwise, she's coming along very well.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Sounds like a real weiner! I remember how sweet she was when I came to visit. And if she isn't that way at christams time, I blame you and Charlie!