I'm almost embarrassed to add a post to a blog that is several years old, which no one reads, and that isn't all that interesting. I've been keeping a diary offline in a Word document, so I do have a record of all of the little Camden developments since before she was born.
I do want to continue a blog or diary of some sort but I can never seem to keep one going. Also, I'm in need of good photo organization software. Suggestions?
Camden is a little two-year-old person now. She has a mop of very blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. She can be quite bossy, ordering around stuffed animals, spice bottles, and her parents. Two stuffed cows are her best buddies - This Cow and Other Cow.
As for me, I have been working at my own business since September, but over the past month I haven't been doing much billable work and haven't really been looking around for new projects. It's summer, and my time is being spent supervising the renovation of our kitchen, traveling with Camden to see relatives, and working on small house projects that have gone undone forever. We could use the extra money, but I feel like there will be time for that when these other things are taken care of.